JUMP TOGetting StartedOverviewUse our Postman CollectionAuthenticationErrorsVersioningAuthenticationOAuthCreate OAuth2 tokenpostCalendarsCalendarsCreate a CalendarpostList all CalendarsgetRetrieve a CalendargetUpdate a CalendarputDelete a CalendardeleteUpdate a CalendarpatchAdd exclusions to CalendarpostRemove exclusion from CalendarpostCheck CalendargetHolidays TemplatesList Holidays TemplatesgetRetrieve a Holidays Template.getEmailDomainsGet Shared DomainsgetGet DomainsgetAdd DomainpostGet DomaingetUpdate a domainpatchDelete DomaindeleteVerify DomaingetUpdate Tracking CNAMEputUpdate Tracking SettingsputSender identitiesGet SendersgetCreate senderpostRetrieve a sender by id.getUpdate SenderputDelete SenderdeleteTransactional EmailSend EmailpostNewslettersCreate NewsletterpostList NewslettersgetGet Newsletter by IdgetUpdate Newsletter by IdputDelete Newsletter by IddeleteTemplatesCreate TemplatepostList TemplatesgetGet Template by IdgetUpdate template by IdputDelete template by IddeleteList Shared TemplatesgetGet Shared Template by IdgetMetricsGet MetricsgetGet Clicked UrlsgetActivity LogsList email activity logsgetRetrieve an email activity logs for a given message Id, and email address.getSuppression ListsList email addresses added to the suppression list for bounce reasons.getList email addresses added to the suppression list for unsubscribed emails.getAdd an email address to the suppression list for unsubscribed emails.postDelete an email from the suppression lists for unsubscribed emails.postPeopleAttributesAdd AttributepostGet AttributesgetGet AttributegetDelete AttributedeleteSegmentsGet SegmentsgetCreate SegmentpostGet SegmentgetDelete SegmentdeleteUpdate SegmentputGet Segment HistorygetAdd Contacts to segmentpostRemove one or more contacts from a manual segmentpostCount Contacts in SegmentgetGet Segment UsagegetGet Contacts of SegmentgetContactsSearch ContactspostCount ContactsgetGet Contact IdentifiergetUpdate Contact IdentifierputAdd or Update ContactputGet ContactgetDelete ContactdeleteSend Events to ContactspostGet Segments of ContactgetExportsGet ExportsgetCreate ExportpostGet ExportgetGet Download Url of ExportgetImportsGet ImportsgetGet ImportgetRCS APIMessagesSend RCS messagepostRevoke a RCS messagedeleteCapabilitiesCapabilities CheckgetEventsSend an eventpostSMS APISendSend SMSpostActivity LogsList SMS activity logsgetRetrieve details of a specific messagegetReportingRetrieve metrics for outgoing SMSgetRetrieve metrics for outgoing SMS by countrygetRetrieve metrics for incoming SMSgetRetrieve metrics of SMS delivery errorsgetSuppression Lists (Blacklist)List phone numbers added to the suppression list for unsubscribe reasons (stop).getAdd a phone number to suppression list.postVoice APICallMake CallpostScheduled CallsList Scheduled callsgetRetrieve a scheduled callgetCancel a Scheduled callpostCancel Scheduled calls of a batchpostVoice BroadcastsList all Voice BroadcastsgetCreate a Voice BroadcastpostGet a Voice BroadcastgetDelete a draft Voice BroadcastdeleteUpdate a Voice BroadcastputStart a Voice BroadcastpostPause a Voice BroadcastpostResume a Voice BroadcastpostCancel a Voice BroadcastpostGet the Voice Broadcast metricsgetGet the Voice Broadcast metrics for the input given.getGet the list of recipients for the Voice BroadcastgetGet details for a recipient of a Voice BroadcastgetGet the list of calls for a given recipientgetVoice Broadcasts SettingsList Dynamic Load DistributiongetCreate a Dynamic Load DistributionpostRetrieve a Dynamic Load DistributiongetUpdate a Dynamic Load DistributionputDelete Dynamic Load DistributiondeleteReportingRetrieve metrics for outbound callsgetRetrieve metrics for outbound calls by countrygetRetrieve metrics for transferred callsgetRetrieve metrics for inbound callsgetActivity LogsList calls activity logsgetRetrieve an call activity logs for a given call Id.getWebhooksWebhooksList all WebhooksgetCreate a WebhookpostRetrieve a WebhookgetDelete a WebhookdeleteUpdate a WebhookpatchRetrieve Last Webhook EventsgetEventsList Webhooks Events TypegetWebhook Eventscall.delivered.v1Voice Call Deliveredpostcall.failed.v1Voice Call Failedpostcall.recipient-completed.v1Voice Broadcast recipient completedpostemail.sent.v1Email sentpostemail.delivered.v1Email deliveredpostemail.failed.v1Email failedpostemail.clicked.v1Email clickedpostemail.opened.v1Email openedpostemail.complained.v1Email complainedpostemail.unsubscribed.v1Email unsubscribedpostsms.incoming.v1Incoming SMSpostsms.status.v1SMS status reportspostrcs.server-event.v1RCS server eventpostrcs.user-event.v1RCS user eventpostrcs.user-message.v1RCS user messagepostPowered by List all Voice Broadcastsget https://api.naxai.com/voice/broadcastsList all voice broadcasts.