What are attributes
Attributes represent what you know about your contacts— their name, email address, phone number, preferences, and so on.
Avoid storing sensitive information
It's advisable to refrain from storing confidential information in Naxai.
We recommend that you only store personal data that you intend to use within the platform and avoid storing sensitive data such as passwords.
Although we take extensive measures to safeguard your and your customer's data, limiting the amount of data you share outside your backend systems can reduce potential security issues and demonstrate respect for your customers' privacy.
How it works
Attributes are characteristics about contacts: things like name, VIP, last order, order size, subscription, or any information essential to your business.
Attributes can be a string, number or boolean, and can be used to create dynamic segments or personalize messages in your SMS, emails or voice calls.
You can also use these attributes in your messages by typing {{contact.lastName}}
in your email, survey, SMS....
Attributes are stored in the contact object so that you can access any attribute with {{contact.nameOfAttribute}}
Naxai has reserved attributes (inherent to the platform), to which you can add custom attributes created by yourself.
Attribute names are case sensitive
It's important to note that attribute names in Naxai are case-sensitive.
Therefore, if you have attributes named "last_name" for some contacts and "LastName" for others, they will be considered separate attributes.
This can create challenges when trying to personalize messages with liquid or adding the correct contacts to segments, as not all individuals will have the same attributes.
To avoid these issues, it's recommended that you establish a consistent naming convention for your attributes. It will make it easier to target specific attributes in segments or when using liquid.
Attribute data
Naxai stores attributes in three formats: string, number, and boolean. You should store attributes in the appropriate format based on their type. For instance, boolean values should be stored as actual booleans (e.g., "true" as true), while numbers should be stored as numbers rather than strings (e.g., "42" as 42).
Using attributes in messages
Contact attributes are available in any message type. They are pulled into your message content by using Liquid code like {{ contact.nameOfAttribute }}
in your message.
Updated over 1 year ago