Email reporting

With the email reporting screen, you'll easily keep track of the statuses of your emails. This report contains information related to the emails sent using Naxai API.


The report shows the number of emails depending on their statuses: opened, clicked, bounced, rejected, and much more for any chosen date range, up to 1 year in the past. Depending on the range selected, you will be able to view the data per day or per month. It is possible to group the data per month only for a range of more than 30 days.

Your data can also be exported.

Email status

The table below shows a description of all the possible email statuses.

SentThe email has been sent by Naxai to the receiving email destination
DeliveredThe delivery to the receiving mailbox was a success
FailedThe delivery to the receiving mailbox couldn't be achieved
RejectedThe recipient's email server didn't accept the email due to a temporary issue or a policy violation.
BouncedThe recipient's email server failed to deliver the message to the mailbox
OpenedThe email has been opened by the recipient.
Opened (Unique)The number of unique opens of emails per recipient.
ClickedThe email has been clicked by the recipient.
Clicked (Unique)The number of unique clicks per recipient.
ComplainedThe email has been marked as spam.
Suppressed bouncedIn order to preserve the sender's reputation, Naxai didn't send the email because previous emails to the same address bounced.
Suppressed complaintsIn order to preserve the sender's reputation, Naxai didn't send the email because previous emails sent to the same address were marked as spam.