Voice Broadcasts Statistics Overview

Naxai shows all the details of the Voice Broadcast when the broadcast starts.
Select the Overview tab to get the current status and statistics of the Voice Broadcast.


The overview displays the progress of the voice broadcast in real-time. Click the refresh button to refresh the data.

  • Total calls : The total number of calls performed
  • Average call per recipient: The average number of calls per recipient
  • Delivered : percentage of recipients delivered
  • Completed : percentage of recipients completed (no more calls scheduled for those recipients)
  • Transferred : Percentage of recipient transferred to a destination.
  • Pending : Percentage of recipient still in progress (having calls in progress or scheduled)


The input chart displays the number of recipients having pressed a DTMF digit in the menu.

Recipient details table

The list of recipients and current status is shown in the table.

When clicking on the recipient row, you can list all completed, in progress, or scheduled calls along with their details.
You can cancel a call currently scheduled.